Has anyone else noticed that Facebook will sometimes show you old posts. Sometimes they just show up on the right side of the page. This morning I saw my wall post from Aug. 29, 2009. It made me laugh. The post had several comments about my Stephie Stories so I decided to share it here.
My girls are 10 years apart. I thought the biggest challenge we would have was an older sister who doesn't want to spend time with the pesky little sister. That has rarely been a problem for us. Alexa loves to spend time with Isabel and almost always lets her hang out, even when her friends are around. The consequence being that we have a young child that wants to act like her teen sister. You've heard of 13 going on 30. We have 6 going on 16. Well... as this story happened two years ago I guess it would be 4 going on 14.
We were still living in Missouri and I worked as a nuclear quality control inspector. I went to a nuclear plant in Illinois to help with an audit, I was gone 5 days. We all hated it and you would have thought I was gone for a month.
I got home a day early and arrived early enough to get CJ and Isabel from day care. They were so excited. When we were in the car CJ and Isabel had the following conversation:
CJ - "I was so excited I almost fainted."
Isabel - "Like when I get growed up and a hawt guy kisses me. That's when I almost fainted."
Did I mention that she was 4? I'm telling you one of these days their in-car conversations are going to cause a wreck!
Apparently she is all talk though. When her daddy got home that evening he gave me a kiss. Isabel shrieked, "Oh come on! That is bescusting! I think I'm gonna go puke up!"
I love my kids. Thanks for the memory Facebook.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Build your foundation upon the rock of our Redeemer
I have missed a few Sunday Scripture Posts. The Fraser Clan has had a very difficult month. My good husband has been having a very difficult time. He has been in the hospital three times since July 17th. He is still in the hospital now, and will be for a while longer.
I have cried many tears, even cried myself into a migraine on one occasion. I have been terrified, angry, frustrated, confused, scared, and hopeful. This has truly been a trial of my faith.
When I was at one of my lowest points I received an email from a very special friend. This amazing friend has endured more than most and had trials I cannot comprehend. Through it all she has remained an amazing example to me. I know she has had very low days, and her faith too has been challenged, but she finds strength in her family, strength in her Savior, strength in prayer, and strength in studying the word of God.
Her message to me was simple yet powerful. She reminded me where I too could turn for the strength that I need, especially in the hard times. Her message included a scripture. She said when she read it she thought of me and knew she needed to send me a message. I know the Lord was guiding her to help me.
The Lord knows us so intimately. He knows when we are struggling. He often uses others to answer our prayers. As I struggled through a difficult day, praying for comfort and aid, an email arrived with words of encouragement and love, for which I will always be grateful.
Helaman 5:12
"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
I have cried many tears, even cried myself into a migraine on one occasion. I have been terrified, angry, frustrated, confused, scared, and hopeful. This has truly been a trial of my faith.
When I was at one of my lowest points I received an email from a very special friend. This amazing friend has endured more than most and had trials I cannot comprehend. Through it all she has remained an amazing example to me. I know she has had very low days, and her faith too has been challenged, but she finds strength in her family, strength in her Savior, strength in prayer, and strength in studying the word of God.
Her message to me was simple yet powerful. She reminded me where I too could turn for the strength that I need, especially in the hard times. Her message included a scripture. She said when she read it she thought of me and knew she needed to send me a message. I know the Lord was guiding her to help me.
The Lord knows us so intimately. He knows when we are struggling. He often uses others to answer our prayers. As I struggled through a difficult day, praying for comfort and aid, an email arrived with words of encouragement and love, for which I will always be grateful.
Helaman 5:12
"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
Friday, August 26, 2011
Kids say the darndest things.
I love my babies! They crack me up constantly. I never know what is going to come out of their mouths.
Our youngest is 6. She is a bean pole, with absolutely no hips, so her pants are constantly slipping down. I think that poor kid hears "pull up your drawers" about a thousand times a day! The problem is that is she kind of tall and long legged so to get pants to fit the length they tend to be too big around. Luckily we often find the kind with an adjustable waist but even that doesn't seem to help much. Every movement seems to drag them down her little body.
A few days ago we had the following conversation - to set the tone you should know that she is very, very dramatic and a bit flamboyant.
Isabel - "Mom! I just figured out why we wear pants."
Me - "What do you mean you just figured out why we wear pants. We wear pants to cover our bodies."
Isabel - "I know! Isn't that CARAAZZZY!"
I'm not sure if I should be worried or if she just realized that is why she is constantly told to pull up her drawers. Stupid pants!
My husband has been in and out of the hospital the last few weeks (that's a whole nother blog post that I haven't had the courage to write yet) and it has been kind of hard on the kids. But true to Zachary's nature, he's 14, he doesn't let things get too serious.
As an example... a few years ago my two oldest and I were going to a church youth activity. We started talking about the gospel and our Savior. I was answering their questions and it was a pretty good, but serious conversation. Alexa started to say something, paused, then said, "Oh, I don't remember what I was going to say." Zachary, just as quick as a hiccup, said, "Photosynthesis?"
I nearly wrecked my car and Alexa was furious. She started ranting that we were talking about the Lord, what did that have to do with Photosynthesis. He just laughed and said, things were getting too serious and besides, the Lord invented photosynthesis.
He loves video games and is constantly asking his dad to take him to Game Stop (a video game store). Seriously, this happens at least once a day if not more. Craig was transferred to a new hospital this week and we weren't able to go see him the first few days (school started and it's an hour away so it got a little tricky). However, we call Craig several times each day. The first thing Zachary always says to him... "Hey dad! How you feelin'? Can we go to Game Stop." It makes us all smile.
Today Craig is starting Electroconvulsion Treatments. This will cause hi to have some short term memory loss. This is causing our 10 year old a lot of stress. He is afraid that daddy will forget him and that Craig will wake up in the hospital and be scared because he can't remember where he is. CJ is our sensitive child!
We visited the hospital last night. Craig was trying to explain things to the kids.
C - "I promise you I will never, ever forget you or how much I love you. I might just not remember that you came to visit me tonight."
Z - "So, I can tell you you promised to buy me an new X-Box 360 and you'll believe me?"
I'm tellin' you that kid is quick. Needless to say we were all laughing and it took CJ's mind off his worries.
I love my kids. They keep me on my toes and they make me laugh.
Have a great day everyone!
Our youngest is 6. She is a bean pole, with absolutely no hips, so her pants are constantly slipping down. I think that poor kid hears "pull up your drawers" about a thousand times a day! The problem is that is she kind of tall and long legged so to get pants to fit the length they tend to be too big around. Luckily we often find the kind with an adjustable waist but even that doesn't seem to help much. Every movement seems to drag them down her little body.
A few days ago we had the following conversation - to set the tone you should know that she is very, very dramatic and a bit flamboyant.
Isabel - "Mom! I just figured out why we wear pants."
Me - "What do you mean you just figured out why we wear pants. We wear pants to cover our bodies."
Isabel - "I know! Isn't that CARAAZZZY!"
I'm not sure if I should be worried or if she just realized that is why she is constantly told to pull up her drawers. Stupid pants!
My husband has been in and out of the hospital the last few weeks (that's a whole nother blog post that I haven't had the courage to write yet) and it has been kind of hard on the kids. But true to Zachary's nature, he's 14, he doesn't let things get too serious.
As an example... a few years ago my two oldest and I were going to a church youth activity. We started talking about the gospel and our Savior. I was answering their questions and it was a pretty good, but serious conversation. Alexa started to say something, paused, then said, "Oh, I don't remember what I was going to say." Zachary, just as quick as a hiccup, said, "Photosynthesis?"
I nearly wrecked my car and Alexa was furious. She started ranting that we were talking about the Lord, what did that have to do with Photosynthesis. He just laughed and said, things were getting too serious and besides, the Lord invented photosynthesis.
He loves video games and is constantly asking his dad to take him to Game Stop (a video game store). Seriously, this happens at least once a day if not more. Craig was transferred to a new hospital this week and we weren't able to go see him the first few days (school started and it's an hour away so it got a little tricky). However, we call Craig several times each day. The first thing Zachary always says to him... "Hey dad! How you feelin'? Can we go to Game Stop." It makes us all smile.
Today Craig is starting Electroconvulsion Treatments. This will cause hi to have some short term memory loss. This is causing our 10 year old a lot of stress. He is afraid that daddy will forget him and that Craig will wake up in the hospital and be scared because he can't remember where he is. CJ is our sensitive child!
We visited the hospital last night. Craig was trying to explain things to the kids.
C - "I promise you I will never, ever forget you or how much I love you. I might just not remember that you came to visit me tonight."
Z - "So, I can tell you you promised to buy me an new X-Box 360 and you'll believe me?"
I'm tellin' you that kid is quick. Needless to say we were all laughing and it took CJ's mind off his worries.
I love my kids. They keep me on my toes and they make me laugh.
Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Gotta Love a Give-a-way!!!!
Kiera over at Sew Kiki is having a fun give-a-way. One lucky winner will receive this "Sophie" by Chez Moi for Moda, jelly roll. Isn't it yummy!!!!!!!!!

If you haven't been over to Kiera's blog you should check it out! She is amazing!
Great quilting everyone!

If you haven't been over to Kiera's blog you should check it out! She is amazing!
Great quilting everyone!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
First day of school
I can't believe the first day of school is already here. We have had a lot of anxiety and some excitement leading up to today. I think Isabel may have been the only one ready for today, she's in the 1st grade. The rest of us wanted summer to last forever.
Check out my girl. Isn't she beautiful. She is a Junior this year. She is amazing!
My big bad Freshman! I can't believe he is in High School. He has spent the week torturing me, trying to make me get sentimental and cry. He keeps reminding me That he is only four years from graduation and less than 5 years away from leaving on a mission.
My baby boy is in middle school. I'm not sure who was more nervous for him to go to the big school, him or mommy. He is such a sweet boy.
My baby girl is in 1st grade. She is so excited to have her own desk. Open house was last night and she told me about 10 times how much she likes her desk. Then this morning I heard all about it again. She says she was sick of just sitting at tables. A desk means she is a big kid now.
Here they all are together.
Check out how much Zachary has grown this summer...
Now there off to school and my house, is really, really, quiet.
Maybe I'll go quilt! :)
Check out my girl. Isn't she beautiful. She is a Junior this year. She is amazing!
My big bad Freshman! I can't believe he is in High School. He has spent the week torturing me, trying to make me get sentimental and cry. He keeps reminding me That he is only four years from graduation and less than 5 years away from leaving on a mission.
My baby boy is in middle school. I'm not sure who was more nervous for him to go to the big school, him or mommy. He is such a sweet boy.
My baby girl is in 1st grade. She is so excited to have her own desk. Open house was last night and she told me about 10 times how much she likes her desk. Then this morning I heard all about it again. She says she was sick of just sitting at tables. A desk means she is a big kid now.
Here they all are together.
Check out how much Zachary has grown this summer...
Here is a Picture of Alexa and Zachary in April 2011 |
Here is a picture of them in August 2011. |
Now there off to school and my house, is really, really, quiet.
Maybe I'll go quilt! :)
Wonderful Summer
Our summer went way too fast. This is the first summer I have ever been able to stay at home and be with my kids. What a blessing!!!!! We have had so much fun! Isabel and CJ became part fish! Seriously, they spent every possible day, sometimes even late in the night, in the pool. Poor Isabel's hair was so fried we had to cut like 4 inches off before school started.
Alexa and Zachary went on a pioneer reinactment trek.
Alexa went on an LDS church history tour, Kirtland, Ohio and Palmyra, New York. She also visited Niagra Falls. She is terrible about remembering to take pictures while she is having fun, so no pictures available.
We painted three bedrooms and got the kids' beds all put together. We slept late and stayed up late. We enjoyed being together.
I'm not ready for this to be over.
Alexa and Zachary went on a pioneer reinactment trek.
Don't they look great! (This of course was at the beginning. After walking 18 miles in 110+ degree heat for two days they didn't look nearly this enthusiastic.) |
Look at all those kids. Zachary took this picture so that you could see the hand cart tracks in the grass and as many of the long lines of treckers. I love this picture. |
We painted three bedrooms and got the kids' beds all put together. We slept late and stayed up late. We enjoyed being together.
I'm not ready for this to be over.
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